Tuesday, January 15, 2019

That will get their attention

There have been a lot of stories of unpaid TSA officers calling in sick or not showing up for work while they are not being paid. The airline system can limp along with longer delays and partially closed terminals. What I want to know is when will the air traffic controls (currently only being paid in donated pizza) stop showing up. When that happens, everything will ground to a halt.

When the airline system stops, it will be like an bomb going off in the economy. There will be all the economic damage from disrupted travel: canceled vacations hitting the tourism industry hard, business meetings won't happen, etc. it will also affect shipping, which will hammer both online retailers, and ultimately all retailers when their supply chains get disrupted. It is hard to fathom just how far the ripples of the end of mass air travel will have, but they will be big and far-reaching.