Sunday, February 09, 2020

Why I'm Not for Bernie in the Primary

As much as I hate to do this (why isn't there a better way to turn twitter threads into a single coherent paragraph?!?!?), I agree with all but the first point about Bernie in this thread:

As I mentioned above, I don't agree with Tomlinson's first point, whenever anyone claims a candidate hasn't been vetted they just mean that the media hasn't harped on whatever reason they personally think is bad about the candidate enough. The media is not even-handed in its vetting. That is a major flaw, but it's reality so get over it. Bernie has been "vetted" more than many other candidates, but also a lot less than still other candidates. Whether it is "enough" vetting is all subjective and it just comes down to a complaint that the media isn't writing the stories that he wants them to write. (Isn't that always the case?)

But the rest of Tomlinson's points are spot-on, IMHO. I will happily support Bernie in the general if he is the nominee, but my Bernie-loving friends seem to be really blind about the real weaknesses of his candidacy.