Wednesday, December 15, 2021

An Oral History of the Blogosphere that isn't

 I listened to the first installment of the "An Oral History of the Blogosphere" series on the LGM podcast, and I gotta say it was pretty disappointing. I was hoping it would be framed as an actual history of the beginning and golden age of blogging. But instead it focused more on Matthew Yglesias' career as a writer (of which blogging was a part, but that part wasn't even most of what they talked about), with a ton of name dropping. I think it would have been pretty incomprehensible to anyone who isn't already familiar with the universe of online writers on the left and for those people already in the know, it didn't add all that much that they wouldn't already know.

If there is another episode in the season I will probably listen. It is a good idea for a project. I just hope subsequent episodes can measure up to the ambitions of the title.