Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Pi not BA.2

This is one of the least important thing going on right now, but I'm kinda pissed off that the new variant is called "BA.2." If you have a system for naming variants, stick with that system! I understand why they switched from the original system of naming variants after the places the variant first appeared (e.g. "the South African variant") because it can stigmatize the place in the variant name and sounded a bit too much like Trump's racist insistence on calling COVID-19 "the China virus."

Greek letters were nice and neutral (even if they had to skip Nu because it would sound in english like "new variant" and Xi for fear of pissing off a leader of a rich and influential country), so why not stick with that? The letter after Omicron is Pi. If the WHO was actually worried someone would like the new variant is a dessert treat, they could skip down to Rho. They don't need to scrap the system again and go with some letters and numbers, even if that is what is its technical designation by biologists.