Sunday, April 02, 2023

Making all of Israel the West Bank

Itamar Ben-Gvir, a guy who was once excluded from service in the Israeli army because he was too racist, is now the Minister for National Security in Netanyahu's government. He is proposing that Israel create a new national guard to crack down on Israeli citizens who are Arabs.
“This will create two separate systems of applying the law,” Ms. Nicola said. “The regular police which will operate against Jewish citizens — and a militarized militia to deal only with Arab citizens,” she added.
Essentially what Ben-Givr is proposing is to extend the apartheid system of justice that has existed in the West Bank for decades into Israel proper (Israel within the 1967 borders). In the West Bank, Israeli citizens are under the jurisdiction of the civilian police, whereas Palestinians are policed by the military. The same sentence quoted above is already essentially how things work in the West Bank, and have worked for decades.

Ben-Gvir is trying to take away one of the things that pro-Israeli people have touted for years, the fact that Israel gives full citizenship rights to Arabs (ignoring the asterisk that that is only true within Israel's 1967 borders, or the fact that Arabs who are Israeli citizens are mostly excluded from certain Israeli institutions like the military). He is just trying to take the localized apartheid that exists in the occupied West Bank and extend it to the rest of the country.