Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Does anyone even care anymore?

Tonight is the State of the Union Address. I wonder if anyone will care.

When I started this blog, just about everyone I knew watched the damn thing. There was a sense that, even if you hated the President, it was kind of a civil duty to watch anyway. Also if you were into politics you had to watch just to keep up with the conversation afterwards.

I don't think that's true anymore. I expect that most of my friends won't watch, and virtually everyone younger than me won't. Whether they love or hate Biden won't make a difference. Everyone would just rather stream something good.

I used to feel like a lone voice in the wilderness. I'd be yelling, "no really, the SOTU address sucks and there is no reason at all to ever watch it!" But now it almost seems pedestrian to note that whatever Biden says tonight will have no effect at all on the world afterwards. I mean, does anyone remember a single thing he said in the 2022 SOTU? Or anything Trump said in any of his SOTU? Or anything Obama ever said in any of them? I'd have to go back to the "axis of evil" speech (was that a SOTU? If I wasn't so lazy, I could google that) or Bush's much-mocked commitment to end human-animal hybrids, both from about 20 years ago, to come up with the last memorable moment in a SOTU speech.

Seriously, I know I whine about this every freaking year (see links below), but it really is a waste of time to watch. I used to at least read the full text of the speech the next morning, because early on in my anti-SOTU jihad I still had some lingering concerns that it might include something important, but even that turned out to be wrong. No one will remember anything about tonight's speech next year. Hell, its likely that no one will remember anything about tonight's speech on Thursday.

But you already know that. Because I'm no longer the only one who skips these things. Plus Cunk on Earth is funny.

The Whine Cellar: